Abandoned Child
In a corner by the wall Crouching, bowed with vacant eyes. Abandoned child, alone and shaking, Easier to pass on by. Chorus It's your pain in my heart Feels compassion It's the cry of your soul Lift the shades, shine His light Feel compassion Let the Father's love make whole To tell you I care oh so deeply Hurts to see you this way. Reach to touch your soil-scarred limbs Lift your head as I pray. Jesus saw crowds Felt compassion Wept for wounded, weary and lame Touched and healed the broken and outcast Through the power of His name. See your small acts of kindness- The sharing of bread. A touch, a faint smile Or a nod of your head. Lord take my hands, Show compassion Let your love flow oh so free Lift, restore hope and healing Lord use even me. Chorus..'Cause it's your pain in my heart.. © Don Stott, in China , October, 2002. Eliab.com |
I wrote this song while visiting a welfare home in China.
Jesus, care, kindness, compassion love, |