Christmouse Dinner
A puppet play for 2 characters Monty Mouse and Jaws the cat also Mum's voice (offstage). Monty (enters despairingly) Oh, this is terrible. All day stuck inside this hole not being able to get out. I can't see my friends. I can't even visit the kitchen...and I'm feeling so hungry ! It's all because that great big fur ball on legs - Jaws the cat - has been on the prowl. I think he's determined to have me for Christmouse dinner ! Especially since he got into trouble from Mrs. after spilt milk was found over the polished kitchen floor right before the Christmas party. I mean , I didn't try to knock it over....It's just that I was being chased. I've got to get out of this mousehole , even if it's only for a few minutes. I'll just have to take a chance with the cat. (Jaws enters on opposite side as Monty leaves) Jaws (musing..) roasted I think. Now, where is that Mouse ? I'll teach him a lesson or two...I'll make mousemeat out of him . That's what I'll do ! Wait 'till I catch him.. Monty (breathlessly..) Oh, no Jaws is after me ! I can't let him catch me or I'm a gonna. I just saw him coming thru the lounge past the Christmas tree.. Now I know why they call him Jaws..those great big choppers give me the "willies".....(looks around guiltily) .....oops , oh no. I've done it again ! ...I've knocked over Jaws' bowl and there's more milk all over the clean floor. ( Jaws enters...sees Monty... then sees the floor.. Mouse screams, freezes momentarily, then quickly exits) Jaws (calling after ..) Now I 'm going to ‘mangalate’ you mouse ! (J. exits as ..) Mum's voice offstage- What's this mess all over the kitchen floor....again ! Where is that cat ? He'll just have to learn his lesson and stay outside till tonight ! Monty (entering much more relaxed) What a lovely piece of cheese ! It's so wonderful to be free for a while. This is my best Christmas ever !..All these leftovers from the Christmas party...and no cat to bother me. I wonder why humans make such a fuss about Christmas anyway ? I might just give old Jaws a wave at the window...funny..he seems to be making a strange noise and his eyes are rolling.. Well I'd best take some of this delicious food home to Grandpa in the mouse hole. (c) Don Stott This play could be followed by a short talk called ”Christmas, what's the fuss ?” |