Disappointment Chant
Leader: When you're feeling disappointed. When you feel life's falling apart. How do you get up and keep going? How do you make a fresh start? All: Don't stew! XXX (claps) Start blue? XXX Run, hide ? XXX Shun pride! XXX Face fear! XXX God's here! XXX Leader: When you feel a 'bloomin' (awful) failure. When you've blown it once again. How do get up and keep going? To know it's not the end? All: Look up! XXX Hang tough! XXX Face test! XXX God's rest. XXX Set free! XXX Vic'try! XXX © Don Stott, May 2006,http://eliab.com ................................................................................. Focus Question: Have You Ever Been Disappointed? At school? At home? By family or friends? At work? By choices you have made? Talk to those near you. Include children. ............................................................................... Confession Dear God, we are sorry when we disappoint you. We are sorry when we complain and grumble. We are sorry when we don't act the right way. Please help us to change. God Forgives Us God is kind and forgives those who are truly sorry. Through Jesus we can be friends with God. Assurance Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom 8:38-39 Bible Reading Exodus 15:22-27 Narrator: God had rescued his people from Egypt and taken them safely through the Red Sea. v22.Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea and they went into the Desert of Shur. For three days they travelled in the desert without finding water. 23 When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. People: We want water. Narrator: They called the place Marah which means "Bitter". People: We want water! Narrator: And the people complained to Moses.. People: We want water!! Narrator: v25 So Moses cried out in prayer to GOD. GOD pointed him to a stick of wood. Moses threw it into the water and the water turned sweet. People: God is our healer Narrator: v25 That's the place where GOD set up rules and procedures; that's where he started testing them. People: God is our healer! Narrator: v26 God said "If you listen carefully to my voice and do what is right, obeying my commandments and keeping my laws, then I won't strike you with all the diseases that I inflicted on the Egyptians. I am God your healer." People: God is our healer!! Narrator: v27 Then they came to Elim where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees. They set up camp there by the water. |
Bitter Sweet-story based on Exodus 15:22-27
Failure Discouragement Bitterness Complaining Ronnie Song Exodus Old Testament Bible story Moses Story |