Kismet’s Christmas
Kismet the Camel puppet (K) and Don (D) D. Hi there Kismet ! How are you going ? K. Up and down mostly. Actually I’ve been to my brothers for a special Christmas party at the•Sands Oasis. Remember he’s the camel with three humps. D. Oh, Humphrey, yes. K. I’m so excited about Christmas Day tomorrow. Have you told everybody about the wise camels and the fellas who brought gifts to the baby at Bethlehem. D. ..Jesus. No I haven’t yet. K. You could tell everybody about the wise camels who followed the bright star all the way to Bethlehem. D. Actually I think it was the men who were wise - not the camels ! K . Are you serious ? ..Taking the rise out of me ?? You could tell everybody about how the wise camels took the men right to the place where the special king was lying in a manger. No radar. No compass. No computers. D. No kidding ! Well I could tell everyone that... K. (interrupting) it was the wise camels who bowed before the little baby Jesus while the men gave him special presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh which camels carried by the way. D. I was going to mention the reason we celebrate Christmas is because Jesus is God’s Son come to earth and he wants us to follow him today. K. Like he’s the star ! D. You could say that. K. No you tell them. I’ve got to go. I’m parked outside ... in the Camelot. Have a great Christmas! (c) Don Stott. |
puppet skit camel wisemen magi Nativity |