Light Up My Life
( John 8:12, John 1) Jesus said "I am the light of the world.." Sing : " This Little Light of Mine". (trad.) D. Hi Ronnie. Why are you wearing sunglasses inside ? It's not sunny in here. R. My eyes are still adjusting. I had to get up so-o early this morning. It's a little 'light relief'. D. Well you might be able to help us because we're going to be thinking about "light" this morning..especially about Jesus who said he is the "light of the world". R. You and your bright ideas ! D. No, I'm serious. We're going to play a game to help us. Would you like to help us ? R. I always like a bit a light entertainment. What do I do ? D. O.K . It's a word association game. I say a word and you say the first word that comes into your head. R. Game Boy...that was the first word that came into my.. D. Hang on we haven't started yet. R. Can the boys & girls do it too ? D. Sure they can call out their answers.. First word, "fire" R. hot D.Torch R. bright D. Lighthouse R. Rocks.. I'm getting the hang of it now. D. O.K one more... Sun R. glasses .. which is where we started ! D. Enough of the game. Ronnie when Jesus called himself "the light of the world" he was letting people know that he had come from heaven to earth to light up people's lives. R. You mean people who followed him were meant to be like him - to shine God's love to others ? D. That's right Ronnie. R. My teacher said I was one of her brightest students..She said I was a "real bright spark" (Maybe she should be wearing the sunglasses ? ) D. Do you know how many puppeteers it takes to change a light globe ? R. Only one I'd say but the the puppet can't talk until he puts down the globe. (mime changing globe with puppets head back and mouth open) D. I guess we'll see you later. R. I'm going to go home to bed and I might read for a while. Has anyone ever invented a black light globe for people who want to read in the dark ? Don Stott,, 2006 Q. What did the child light say to the mother light ? A. I wuv you watts and watts. Q. What do you call a chicken that lays light globes ? A. A battery hen. |
Jesus I am John 8:12, John 1 |