Old Things New
A short puppet skit which was used in an all-age worship setting to introduce the reading and sermon from Hebrews chapter 8. Jesus: A better covenant. Ronny- a puppet or vent. doll. Don - an adult D. Hi Ronny how are you? R. Not too bad except for my cold. My nose has been running for weeks and I’m over it. I’ve sneezed that many times I’ve been given a face lift. Now every time I raise my eyebrows I pull up my socks. My brother Ronaldo says I look like a glow worm. I think I really need a new nose. D. Sorry to hear that. R. That I look like glow worm or that my nose is running ? D. Both I guess…But you can’t just go out and get a new nose like that. R. Well you can’t but there has to be some fringe benefits for being a puppet. We’ve had a bad run lately. I had to walk here this morning ‘cause’ my dad’s car has broken down again. D. Well at least it wasn’t dark you could have used your…What’s wrong with it? R. Something’s the matter with the battery and the ‘carburrito’, D. It sounds like you need some urgent repairs done or you need to buy a new car. R. This is the second time it’s stopped in the last few days. Dad’s blown a gasket too. D. I’m afraid sometimes our things grow old, just wear out or need to be replaced? R. So how are you feeling? Have you had a cold as well? D. No I’ve been fine thank you. You know it’s interesting that even though people’s bodies may tire or wear out as they get older Jesus wants to be our special friend and still meet our needs. R. Good news for you, but how does that help the ‘working families of puppets’ of this world’? D. I’m not quite sure about puppets, but I could give you a ride home after church today if that helps. R. Do you have a ‘working with puppets check’? ( or equivalent police check) D. Insanity. R. Pardon? D. You heard me. R. You mean I’ve got ears that work as well? D. I think it’s time for you to run. R. OK see ‘cya’ later on. I’m off to play with my new ‘iPup’. D. Bye Ronnie. Ronny wanted a new nose and a new car because the old ones weren’t working properly or had worn out. In Hebrew chapter 8 the writer talks about how the old covenant –agreement between God and the Israelites was past its use by date and God put that plan on the shelf. The people hadn’t obeyed God’s laws and as part of God’s plan he introduced a new plan, a covenant through his son Jesus. This covenant is much better than the old in every way and it means that God’s people today everywhere can be his friends and be forgiven for their sins. © Don Stott, 2010, http://eliab.com free puppet scripts |
Hebrews 8
old new New Testament Bible puppet skit script play |