Peter’s Denial
based on John 18:15-18, 25-27 Puppet Talk or Ventriloquist script Rooster puppet : Rex the rooster. Very confident and proud character Vent/Adult : D D. Hi Rex! So glad you could drop by this morning. R. Hi Mr S! It will have to be a very quick visit ‘cause I’m ready for a sleep. D. You were up early? R. Up before dawn…and she gets up at 5.00 am. So now I’m ready for a nap and something to eat. I’m rather peckish. D. Well it’s great you’re here this morning because I’ve just been telling the folks about a story from the Bible about a man called Peter, R. What did he do? D. Peter was a friend and follower of Jesus but he got cold feet when Jesus was taken prisoner. R. Cold feet? What, no socks in those days? D. No, I mean instead of being brave and telling people he was Jesus’ friend, Peter told them he didn’t even know him. R. You were going to say he “chickened out” but changed your mind didn’t you? D. Well there was a rooster involved in this this story. R. I’m sure the rooster was innocent! D. The rooster crowed three times and that’s when Peter remembered that Jesus had said he would deny he know him. R. Peter must have felt terrible. D. Yes he did but some time later Jesus met Peter on a beach Jesus forgave him. R. Sounds like the rooster was the star in this story. I’d really like to meet him. D. Oh he’s not still alive now. This was a long time ago. R. So just three crows and you’re gone?? D. I guess he passed away. (aside) Probably at the next Christmas.. R. I‘d best be going now. I’ve got things to “doodle do” before my rest. Got to fly now. © Don Stott. , 2014 Why did the rooster cross the road? To impress the chicks! |
Peter Peter’s denial Luke 22 |