A short puppet skit used in a school setting as an intoduction to the Bible story of Saul's conversion on the road to Damascus. (Acts 9) Themes: change, trust, vision, new perspective. R= Ronnie (fun puppet character) D= Don or Daisy (adult leader, ventriloquist or puppet interviewer) D. Hi Ronnie! I haven't seen you for ages.. R. I've been away on holidays to Indented Head ( insert local wacky holiday spot). D. So did your whole family go with you? R. Yes, mum and dad ...Ron senior, my big brother Ronaldo, my twin sisters Ronnetta and Ronnita, me -Ronnie and my baby brother - Later. D. And you had a good time away? R. Yeah, it was really great but now I've got to catch up on lot's of school work. I thought I'd start on my project on leaf blowers. Mum says I have to work really hard this term. I'm hoping one day to be the first in my class to fly a hot air balloon. D. Well I'm sure if you keep working hard you'll get up there one day. We've been hearing today about a guy in the Bible named Saul who ended up doing something very different to what he thought he'd be doing. Saul was travelling on the road to a place called Damascus when he was blinded by a very bright light. R. So was he a 'truckie'? D. No Ronnie there were no truck drivers in Bible times. Saul was riding a horse. He thought he was doing the right thing in trying to chase down Christians but his life suddenly changed and he soon became a follower of Jesus. God had a big plan to use Saul to share God's good news with other people. God even changed his name from Saul to Paul. R. I guess it's hard to know how your life will turn out. D. Well that's why it's important to trust God 'cause he knows what's always best for us. R. My mum used to wash dishes in a cafe and now he's she's a domestic engineer! I may not end up flying balloons I might end up starting my own puppet boy band or ... D. Perhaps you'd better start your school project first. R. Ok. I'll hit the road. Do you know much about leaf blowers? D. Have you read ''Gone with the Wind''? Bye Ronnie! ©Don Stott |
Saul Paul
Acts 9 New Testament Bible story change conversion trust vision new perspective |