What a Gift !
A skit to introduce Pentecost/Holy Spirit used in an all-age worship service. Ricky Star (puppet+ Don) D. Hi there Ricky! R. Hi Don. D. What have you been doing? I haven't seen you for ages? R. There's been so much happening lately. I've been feeling a bit worn out. Kind of feeling empty. D. That's no good Ricky. R. But today's going to be good though. I'm going to a birthday party! D. That sound great. Who's party is it? R. It's my grandpa's. He's very old. One hundred and eighty I think. D. No, he can't be that old. R. Yes he can. He's a puppet remember....an old hand. D. Well the party sounds like fun. Have you bought your grandpa a present? R. No, I haven't. I want to give him the best present I can. It's so hard to think of something. I mean, what do you give to an 180 year old puppet...who has everything? He even gets winded playing chess! D. He'd probably just be happy to see you. Just being there to celebrate would probably be the best gift he could want. Just to hear you sing happy birthday. R. He's got a hearing aid...her name is Ivy. She tells him when to have his tablets. The first thing he hears in the morning is 'snap,crackle,pop'... and it's not cereal! D. We're having a celebration here today as well. It's Pentecost. R. Well I can't pay anything. I have to buy a present! D. No you don't have to pay. Pentecost is a special celebration for christians remembering the gift of the Holy Spirit to all those people who believe in Jesus. R. Like a birthday for the church? D. Yes. The Holy Spirit's coming really completed what Jesus had begun in his birth, death and resurrection. R. Well what gift are you going to bring to this Pentecost party? D. That's the exciting thing you see, we don't have to bring a present wrapped up in paper with a card. The Holy Spirit gifts are wrapped in you. They are inside each person. Special talents and abilities the Spirit gives us to serve God and to help each other and to help the church grow stronger. God just wants us to use the special gifts. R. They're inside you are they? I can 'kinda' understand that. I think I'm going to go early to Grandpa's party. D. What's the rush? You don't have to leave. R. Well I don't have a present for him yet but at least I can get grandpa started in his rocking chair ...and I might even have a hand in the cooking...if you know what I mean. Bye! Happy Pentecosting! (c) Don Stott Eliab.com |