Not "being good",
Not "going to church"
Not "reading the Bible"?
Sure, any of these people MIGHT be real Christians,
but they're not Christians
BECAUSE of what they do -
they do those things
BECAUSE they're Christians.
Sorry- that's not really right either. Christians DO believe in God, but so do lot's of other people. That depends on what you mean by "believing". If you just believe Jesus lived, then that's not enough either... YES! A Christian is someone who TRUSTS JESUS* - *that means BELIEVES Jesus is a real person - God's own son. ADMITS they haven't lived His way & asks God to forgive them. TRUSTS that because HE died in their place God will forgive what they've done wrong. LET'S Him be in charge of their life & does what he says. |

Jesus will help you take that step,
if you honestly ask Him (PRAY)
- in fact that is the first step ...
the second step is to start
letting Him help you live His way.