Lowly leaf, still, beside the bush track
so scarred, deformed, and common place –
Yet your hollows and hues
draw me to kneel and look at you.
Now lifted, I notice a deeper design in this delicate gum.
As Advent begins, I’m reminded of Mary and Joseph
labouring along the Galilee trail to Bethlehem. –
Two humble souls, though sidelined and shamed
remain resolute, faithful, and grateful.
God’s plan may seem so flawed to some
but this devoted pair soon delight to hold the perfect “Promised One”!
As I cradle my fragile “Advent Leaf”
I’m reminded I need to stop; to welcome and worship
the “Creator King” who has come and who has seen
my sin -stained life and still loves me…
truly, completely, forever.
(c) Don Stott Dec 3 2022