Maintain your relationship with God – devotional life, quiet days, reading and prayer.
Understand your leadership style and value it.
Do things you are good at- find and develop others to do those things you find harder.
Develop a support network – mentors, friends, parent support group, administrators, prayer team.
Limit the number of programs and ministries you are involved in.
Know your vision, mission, values, strategy and goals
Communicate these to the Church and your leaders -continually evaluate these with your teams - reports to Church Board or Council. Newsletter items, reports to other staff members, meeting notes or email.
Develop a structure of carers for your teams (80/20 principle)
Encourage your volunteers – hold celebrations, write notes to them, phone-text email. Give them chocolate and lots of it!
When recruiting leaders -
Pray for the right leaders.
Some people have the gift of recruiting. Find them and use them well.
Know the task you are asking them to do.
Spend time getting to know your congregation well
Work out whether you are a phone, letter, email or face to face recruiter.
As you ask them to be involved remember you are doing them a favor not the other way around.
Describe the task in way that appeals to them and is also truthful regarding time commitment, skills needed etc..
Are the right people in the task already or is it hindering you finding volunteers?
What is the environment like you are asking your leaders to work in?
Have job descriptions
Encourage leaders to fill out an application form and code of conduct form
Provide training and support for your leaders
Liase with other staff members so that you all have a balance of leaders.
Put people in the right ministries
Include your leaders in the decision making process.